Worldwide Official Distributor of Invelco SA, Spain.
Invelco SA is Spain based manufacturer. Invelco SA are the manufacture of the Coastal GMDSS sea area A1 & A2 system, Coastal NAVTEX NAVDAT ready system, MF/HF Transmitter (500W, 1kW, 2.5kW, 3kW, 5kW, 10kW) and MF/HF Receivers for Maritime applications, Maritime GMDSS applications, Air Traffic applications, Naval applications and Defense applications.
Official Partner of Creative Design Corp., Japan.
Creative Design Corp. is Japan based manufacturer. Creative Design Corp. is the only and exclusive company who designs and manufactures a various type of telecommunication and industrialize equipments such as antennas, antenna rotators, tower and their related equipments, and RF generators for defence, government, maritime and aviation applications.
Official Partner of Handheld Europe AB, Sweden.
Handheld Europe AB is Sweden based manufacturer. Handheld Europe AB is a privately held manufacturer of rugged mobile computers, including rugged tablets and PDAs for defence, government, maritime and aviation applications..
Official Distributor of IHM A/S, Denmark.
IHM A/S is Denmark based manufacturer. IHM A/S develops and manufacturing state-of-the-art radio and telecommunication systems for government, maritime, aviation, public safety, transport, utilities, offshore/oil & gas, prisons and hospitals, industry applications.
Official Distributor of Silent Sentinel LTD., UK.
Silent Sentinel LTD is a UK based manufacturer who provides advanced and highly modular surveillance camera (thermal) platforms for defence, counter UAV/UAS, government, maritime surveillance, aviation, perimeter and border security, security and policing, utilities, vehicle and mobile surveillance, coastal surveillance, offshore/oil & gas applications.
Official Distributor of Advanced Perimeter Systems LTD., UK.
Advanced Perimeter Systems LTD. is UK based manufacturer. Advanced Perimeter Systems LTD. design, develop & manufacture Perimeter Intrusion Detection Systems (PIDS) for Military, Ministry of Defence sites, Commercial, Industrial, Prisons and other critical infrastructures.
Official Distributor of MESIT asd, s.r.o., Czech Republic.
MESIT asd, sro is Czech Republic based manufacturer. MESIT asd, sro design, develop & manufacture tactical radiocommunication systems for defence and government applications.
Official Distributor of Thruput Limited, UK.
Thruput LTD. is UK based manufacturer. Thruput LTD. design, develop & manufacture high-resolution displays, video and radar data capture systems, video processing equipment, radar processing equipment, clutter processing equipment and console management equipment for defence, government, commercial and other critical infrastructures.
Official Distributor of JALUD Embedded s.r.o., Czech Republic.
JALUD Embedded s.r.o. is Czech Republic based manufacturer. JALUD Embedded s.r.o. design, develop & manufacture sound event detector system for defence, government, commercial and other critical infrastructures.
Official Partner of i-Marine Technologies and Research Inc., Turkey.
i-Marine Technologies and Research Inc. is Turkey based manufacturer. i-Marine Technologies and Research Inc. specializes in the design and manufacturing of a AIS Transponders, AIS Receivers, AIS Shore Station, AIS AtoN Stations where all are integrated via i-SEA Platform software for defence, government, maritime and aviation applications.
Official Partner of Valcom Manufacturing Group Inc., Canada.
Valcom Manufacturing Group Inc is a Canada based manufacturer. Valcom Manufacturing Group Inc specializes in the design and manufacturing of a full range of MF Beacon 100 KHz – 600 KHz, AM Broadcasting 540 – 1700 KHz, HF 1.8 – 30 MHz, VHF 30 – 300 MHz and UHF 300 – 1,200 MHz and SHF up to 6 GHz antennas for defence, government, maritime and aviation applications.
Official Partner of TP RADIO, Denmark.
TP RADIO is a Denmark based manufacturer. TP RADIO specializes in the design and manufacturing of a full range of a Maritime VHF Coastal Base Station (156-162 MHz, 25W, 50W & 100W, can also be supplied on the operational frequencies: 144-155 MHz and 160-175 MHz), UHF Coastal Base Station (350-470 MHz), Unattended repeater (66 – 88 MHz, 145-174 MHz, 400-470 MHz), DMR Duplex repeater base (transceiver), Mobile repeater (VHF High, VHF Low & UHF), handheld transceivers (ATEX, Solas, Shunting, DMR & Professional), HOT-STANDBY repeater, Simplex or Duplex Repeater with alert function for defence, government, security, maritime, offshore/oil and gas and aviation applications.