Communication solution for airports

Military, Defence, Naval, Utilities, Air Force, VEHICLE AND MOBILE SURVEILLANCE, Police, SECURITY AND POLICING, Airport, Aviation, Air

With more than 30 years of experience with control room solutions and radio and telephony systems, airports get a state-of-the-art communication solution with IHM. IHM provides professional Call Out solutions that quickly and efficiently convey information to staff at the airport. The information can be communicated to individuals or predefined groups.
The solution includes:
Automatic or manual call of crew
Two-way communication with groups and one-to-one communication
Compatibility with TETRA
Visual overview of the geographical position of the individual radios
Pagers and/or SINE terminals with paging function (call-out)
Connection to announcement systems via loudspeakers
Automatic logging of calls
IHM offers several solutions, large and small, that can all be scaled up and down and adapted to your specific needs. The solutions include e.g. IHM VCS (MCS)

Waiting times and lack of information annoy passengers and have a negative impact on the service experience. It can also affect the safety of passengers and staff, which is why the transport sector focuses on providing a high level of information. Ultimately, it’s all about ensuring optimal communication when crisis strikes.

High levels of information and safety call for a reliable communication system
IHM’s radio communication systems are based on a TETRA solution that is reliable and easy to operate. It enables direct communication to both groups and individuals. It is also possible to communicate between groups and individuals. For instance, this can be relevant for informing about delays in traffic. The operator in the control room can communicate the delay via loudspeakers or information screens.

In emergency situations, such as assaults on staff, violent clashes between passengers, sudden illness or collapse, personnel simply press a red alarm button on the radio to call for immediate assistance.

The communication solution includes:
Two-way communication with groups, and one-to-one communication
Status registration (SINE)
Compatibility with TETRA, including coordination of operations with emergency management, ambulances and police
Visual summary of the geographical position of the individual radios
Connection to loudspeaker systems
Automatic logging of calls
Redundancy (backup) with double server and duplicated system with reciprocal updating
IHM offers a range of solutions, both large and small, and all can be scaled up or down according to your specific requirements. Solutions include products such as IHM CAD and IHM VCS.