Reliable emergency preparedness planning prepares the electricity and gas sector to handle major incidents and threats to utilities
The electricity and gas sector is a vital part of society’s infrastructure. For this reason, it must comply with legislation on emergency management and planning. Utilities companies must be included in emergency management when incidents affect supplies to companies and the general public. And communication between utilities’ control centres and personnel in the field depends on effective and robust technical systems and resources.
Strict requirements for emergency management call for a reliable communication solution
Communication systems must be able to operate in ordinary, day-to-day situations as well as in critical emergency situations. It is also important that they do not rely on public grids and the ordinary mobile telecommunications network.
In order to guarantee the public a high level of service and security, overview, control, leadership, and, not least, sufficient personnel and equipment, are needed in emergency situations. To meet these strict requirements, the utilities sector needs a complete solution that gives a full picture and ensures fast response times.
Reliable systems ensure high operational reliability
When operations are disrupted, reliable systems are needed to communicate with technical personnel who may not necessarily be on site at the control centre. This typically applies to utilities with home security schemes whereby security guards move from address to address.
IHM offers a range of solutions, both large and small, and all can be scaled up or down according to your specific requirements. Solutions include products such as IHM VCS (communication software), IHM TE10-41 Audio Box, and AIRBUS TETRA radios.

Effective communication between technicians and between control centre and technicians at different sites ensures fast corrective action when service is interrupted
IHM communication solutions support surveillance and coordination between technicians and the control centre. This ensures fast response in the event of outages or circuit connections in the power grid. The emergency operations centre has the full picture of the incident and can assist technicians with solutions or expertise.
Communication between technicians means that they can contact colleagues in the event of critical incidents or accidents. The fact that they can call for help gives technicians a great sense of security. Staff at the control centre can make both group and individual calls using IHM TETRA-CAD radio dispatch.
With IHM TETRA-CAD radio dispatch, personnel in the operations center can make both group and individual calls.
The solution includes:
IHM software for PC radio-dispatch, software for server/client
IHM FWT connection to the TETRA network (SINE, RAKEL and Nødnett)
HIM TE10-41 Audio Box
AIRBUS or Motorola TETRA radios
IHM offers a range of solutions, both large and small, and all can be scaled up or down according to your specific requirements. Solutions include products such as IHM software for PC radio dispatch, IHM FWT and IHM TE10-41 Audio Box.

A communication solution that handles group calls and status registration, simply and cost-effectively.
One simple operation gives the on-duty officer a clear picture of the status of connected units, and the relevant manpower is called out automatically based on pre-entered dimensioning.
This leaves staff at the control centre free to focus on organising and coordinating operations quickly and effectively. All incidents are registered automatically and saved for purposes of documentation and statistics.
The communication solution includes:
Two-way communication with groups, and one-to-one communication
Automatic or manual crew call-out ;
SINE/TETRA radios with pager function (call-out)
• Status registration
National TETRA-based communication (SINE, RAKEL, Nødnett), ensuring reliable and effective coordination of operations between emergency management, ambulances and police
Automatic logging of calls
Redundancy (backup) with double server and duplicated system with reciprocal updating
• Service agreement with 24/7/365 support
IHM GIS can be added to the solution, including the following function:
Visual summary of the geographical position of the individual radios
IHM AMS can be added to the solution, including the following functions:
Receipt of alarms via the alarm network
Intelligent call-out, optimising call-out according to risk-based dimensioning
Visual summary of the geographical position of the individual radios
IHM offers a range of solutions, both large and small, and all can be scaled up or down according to your specific requirements. Solutions include products such as IHM communication software, IHM TE10-41 Audio Box, and AIRBUS or Motorola TETRA radios.