DICOM®RF4050 Vehicular Radio

Combining VA40 vehicle amplifier with RF40 handheld transceiver results in RF4050 vehicular radio. It is designed so that the handheld transceiver is easily removable (Jerk and Run) and can be used as a portable radio, if necessary. MM40WR Mission Module can be connected.


• 30 MHz to 512 MHz frequency range,
• multi channel radio system,
• true MANET network for VHF/UHF,
• simultaneous voice and IP data,
• virtual voice channels,
• multiple waveforms support,
• position reporting system (GPS, Galileo, Glonass),
• up to 50 W power output,
• compact and robust design suitable for wheeled and tracked vehicles,
• Jerk and Run support,
• vehicle intercom interface,
• 12 VDC or 24 VDC power supply,
• Mission Modules support,
• optionally up to two co-site filters (for 30 MHz to 90 MHz band and UHF band).

Frequency range30 MHz to 512 MHz
Modulation typeFM, AM, CPM
Transmission powermax. 50 W
Supply voltage range10V to 33V (MIL-STD-1275E)
Current consumption 24 V
transmission 50 Wmax. 12 A
receptionmax. 0.8 A
Channel bandwidth25 kHz, 250 kHz
LOS FM/AM (STANAG 4204/4205)
WF40 (VHF/UHF MANET waveform)
HW20 (VHF EPM waveform); optional
Communication encryptionAES, key length up to 384 bits
GNSS receiverbuilt in (GPS/Glonass/Galileo)
Data interfacesEthernet, USB, Serial
Mechanical a climatical resistance, EMC
Dimensions202 mm x 220 mm x 226 mm
Weightmax. 10 kg
Operating temperature range-30 °C to +70 °C
Environmental specificationMIL-STD-810G
EMC specificationMIL-STD-461F